
Silo, Kokemäki

History and the original use of this complex are pretty much in the dark, at least for me. An educated guess would be, that it has been an seed grain station for legendary Finnish agricultural company 'Hankkija'. Anyhow, in I went.

The visit to building's celler was an nervwrecking experience. Lovering down two storeys through those ice covered stairs in complete darkness would have been bad enough without massive hangover alone. The following shot from the dark from the basement. Nothing much there, just few fire extinguishers and some heavier machinery. (which of I didn't get an proper shot cause of the complete darkness)

In the upper stories most of the machinery and other stuff seemed to be pretty much intact. Not that there would have been much of anything at all. Alltogether, it seems that in these smaller, rustic, cities sites like this seem to stay in better condition. (e.g. Kuivalahen saha) Probably the youth of countryside are more stand-up citisen than those in big cities. More likely, there just aren't any.


Notice the mandatory 'conveyor-picture'.


Anonymous said...

A couple of very nice pics! I like the ones with the pipes, this time I see the lines you were going for.

Why is it that everything I miss from Finland is in liquid form? At least * is still intact.


Anonymous said...

Huomasin vasta tuon viiden ensimmäisen kuvan punaisen linjan. Tyylikästä.


Anonymous said...

Taiteilija on itsekin hämmästynyt suorituksestaan.


Anonymous said...

mahtava tuo toka-ylin kuva, kivat värit
